poly-L-lactic acid
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Influence of regular hand hygiene on the skin flora – tips for disinfection & care
The fear of contracting a disease was not as present for a long time as it has been since the first appearance of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in December last […]
Syneron Candela’s PicoWay picosecond laser now with three wavelengths and resolve fractional
PicoWay® picosecond laser received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for a new ultra-short 785 nm wavelength, making it the third FDA cleared wavelength for PicoWay. The new ultra-short […]
Interview with David Eccleston: How to achieve the best results in the treatment with neuromodulators
Dr. David Eccleston is the Clinical Director of MediZen, founded in 1999 along with his wife Annie, a registered nurse. Dr Eccleston is an International Key Opinion Leader in the […]