nail fungus
Treatment of Onychomycosis – A Clinical Evaluation of Laser Therapy
Introduction Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis or tinea unguium is an infection of the toe- or fingernail through dermatophyte. Nail fungus is typically yeast or mould based [16]. 90 […]
Interview with Univ-Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Michalsen:
Nutrition and fasting as key to successful prevention Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Michalsen, head physician of the Department of Naturopathy at the Immanuel Hospital Berlin, professor at the Charité […]
Juvéderm® VOLIFT™ Retouch extends the VYCROSS™ Collection
Allergan Symposium at the 13. AMWC in Monaco: The day long symposium under the guidance of Dr. Koenraad de Boulle from Belgium was dedicated to the motto „Achieving real expressions […]
Fat tissue in energy saving mode
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne have discovered brain cells, which not only tell hungry mice to search for food, but also to limit blood […]