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Zahlreiche Behandlungsoptionen sind in der Therapie des Melasmas untersucht, jedoch ist kein hiervon hundertprozentig wirksam. Alternative Therapieverfahren haben sich zu einer wichtigen Option der Medizin entwickelt.
Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced the initiation of a global Phase III clinical study of MSB11022, a proposed biosimilar of adalimumab, in chronic plaque psoriasis. This […]
Asclepion Laser Technologies offers different technologies for a multitude of aesthetic and medical treatments. With new products and follow up models of almost legendary systems like the MCL29 Dermablate, RubyStar, […]
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne have discovered brain cells, which not only tell hungry mice to search for food, but also to limit blood […]
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